Conservation Commission
New London, New Hampshire 03257
Intrepid trail volunteers for the NL Conservation Commission repair boardwalks in the Philbrick-Cricenti Bog on November 3rd. Due to lumber prices, NLCC is using hemlock rather than preasure treated lumber for construction projects.
Left to right, Rick Davies, Gene Tappen, Ben Young, Mark Vernon and Charlie Kelsey.
Photo by Jeff Troxell
The Conservation Commission recently constructed a new foot bridge at the southern end of the Lyon Brook Trail. The truss-style bridge was pre-fabricated by Bob Brown and our trail intern, Liam and replaces a rock-hopping crossing of the Brook. The new bridge and the southern end of the Lyon Brook Trail can be accessed off of Brookside Drive or Oxbow Road with parking at both locations. From there, hikers can through hike to Parkside Road, 2.2 miles, and also connect to the Knights Hill Nature Park trail network and Outing Club fields.
Liam Fleming, Bob Brown and Jeff Troxell install new truss bridge on Lyon Brook Trail.
Photo provided by Mark Vernon
The Conservation Commission and Sunapee Ragged Kearsarge Greenway recently collaborated to construct a walkway across a boulder zone on Cocoa's Path. The 40-foot structure spans a rough section of trail and makes Cocoa's Path easier to traverse. Hikers with mobility challenges may use the Path and Pingree Road to make a one-mile loop with little difficulty. This project was funded by a bequest from the Hollinger family.
Photos provided by Mark Vernon
The Conservation Commission is pleased to announce the opening of the Spring Ledge Loop trail. This loop extends the Kidder-Cleveland-Clough Trail beyond the Spring Ledge connector to a lovely route along the perimeter of the farm fields and returns via a wooded .35 mile loop. The trail offers views of the fields and traverses some wet and uneven ground with boardwalks. It is marked with signs and orange blazes. The Kidder-Cleveland-Clough trail system now connects to the old middle school, Spring Ledge Farm and Main St with a spur to a beaver meadow and the headwaters of Red Brook. The trail segment to Pleasant St. is temporarily closed until water levels in the beaver meadow are stabilized. We hope you enjoy the trail.
Pictured are the segments of the trail.
Photos provided by Mark Vernon
The Dura Crockett bridge was becoming a safety concern due to decay and deterioration, so the Conservation Commission scheduled its replacement. Due to the rough and steep terrain leading to the bridge, plans were made for an aluminum truss bridge which would be easier to transport to the site and would last far longer than a wooden bridge. High Country Aluminum Products helped design the bridge, did the fabrication, and delivered the parts to the trail head. A crew of volunteers took the parts to the bridge site, removed the old bridge, then installed the new one. Our thanks go out to Bob Brown, Mark Vernon, Jeff Troxell, Mike Tedeshi, Colby Reardon, Mike Kennedy and Seamus Forest for all their hard work. A special thanks goes to CC Trail Master Mark Vernon for organizing the volunteers.
Pictured are the old bridge (left) and the new one.
Photos provided by Bob Brown
The Conservation Commission is pleased to announce the opening of the Kidder-Cleveland-Clough Trail Extension on the town-owned Pleasant St. East property. The new trail is a .6-mile loop through the 26-acre parcel. The trail head is on Pleasant Street, across from the existing Kidder-Cleveland-Clough Trail. There is no trail head parking at this time. The new trail is the culmination of the acquisition of the parcel by the Town in 2016. The Commission thanks town officials, Ausbon Sargent Land Trust and the people of New London for the wonderful addition to our trail system and to our conserved land.
Photo provided by Mike Gelcius
The Conservation Commission has installed a trail library box next to the kiosk. This is the first library box on the town trails and we hope to add more in the near future. Books stored in the boxes can be borrowed by visitors to the trail, and people are encouraged to bring and leave books that may be of interest to others.
Photo provided by Mike Gelcius
The Conservation Commission is repairing and replacing bridges on the Clark Pond trail. The bridge replacement on Darcy Trail has been completed, thanks to hard work of Mark Vernon, Tom Coverdale, Jeff Troxell and Mike Kennedy. In addition to the bridge upgrades, the trails are now labeled with plant and flower identification markers.
Photo provided by Mark Vernon
The Conservation Commission has created a new entrance to the Clark Lookout trail. It is located on RTE 103A, across from the Park and Ride near Exit 12 on RTE 89. The new entrance will provide better access to the trail and easier parking for visitors. A new gate and signage have been installed at the entrance to the path. The old entrance on Davis Hill Road is now permanently closed.
Photo provided by Mike Gelcius
More new plants and trees were put into the tree cut area at the Esther Currier Wildlife Management Area at Low Plain. This work, approved by the Conservation Commission, was the Eagle Scout service project of Jonathan Doheny, who, along with other scouts and parents from Troop 71 in New London, planted over 175 trees and plants. The project helps preserve the land and to attract new wildlife to the property.
Photo provided by Michael Doheny
The Conservation Commission and Spring Ledge Farm have partnered to extend the Kidder-Cleveland-Clough Trail to Main Street. Hikers can now walk through the Farm, enjoying the plants and industry along the way, then enter the woods to walk to the old Middle School and North Pleasant Street. The woods, part of Town-owned property, offer a lovely sanctuary near the middle of town. Along the way are boardwalks through beaver habitat and rich plant and animal life. Signs and orange blazes guide the way from Spring Ledge, the Middle School and Pleasant Street.
We thank Spring Ledge Farm for their generous help in making this extension possible.
Photo provided by Mark Vernon
The New London Conservation Commission is continuing work on the Low Plain Stewardship Program. The initial tree harvesting at the Esther Currier Wildlife Management Area at Low Plain has been completed. The tree cutting created a net profit to the town. With the help of members of the Elkins Fish & Game Club, 275 new saplings have been planted along the cut area. These plants will enhance wildlife activity at Low Plain and will improve the overall healthy of the land and pond.
NO HIKING OR PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED IN THE CUT AREA. This area is closed to the public to allow for plant growth and wildlife nesting. Normal access to Davis Path is still available from both ends of the trail.
The Stewardship Program is improving the health of the entire area but the improvements need time to take hold. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Photo provided by Mike Gelcius
Through the guidance of the NLCC, there was a collaboration between New London Hospital, the Town of New London, and Eversource to create a walking trail that connects Newport Road, Parkside Road, and the Lyon Brook Trail. The trail runs from Newport Road near the WNTK building, along the utility right-of-way towards Parkside Road. Before reaching Parkside, it enters the woods and runs parallel to Parkside and then connects to the existing Lyon Brook Trail. This resulting one-mile loop, with connections to the hospital parking lot and Outing Club provides in-town opportunities for walkers, joggers, and commuters. The Conservation Commission is greatful for all the assistance from the Highway Department to get this rtail completed.
The Grand Opening of the trail was on June 13th. This one-mile loop, in the center of town, is a great addition to the trail system in New London.
Photo provided by Mark Vernon
The Esther Currier Wildlife Management Area at Low Plain now has an American Tree Farm certification. The selective harvesting of trees on the western part of the property will be part of the Low Plain Stewardship Program plan.
The Low Plain is home to many species of birds and other wildlife, and the trail is known for being a great place to walk and to observe animals in their natural habitat. The Steward Program will help to improve the environment so wildlife can flurish and have their numbers increase.
Photo provided by Mike Gelcius
Follow the Philips Memorial Preserve trails to Otter Pond and take a seat to have a view of the picturesque shoreline. The benches were constructed by Bob Brown and installed by Mark vernon and Tom Coverdale of the New London Conservation Commission. In addition to the beautiful pond side section, the PMP trails include a quarry, a hill top view, and a selective timber harvest done in 2013. Take a hike and enjoy one of New London's gems.
Below are pictures of one of the new benches (left) and visitors (right) enjoying the view of Clark Pond.
Photos provided by Mark Vernon
A new kiosk was installed near the beginning of the Clark Pond trail by New London Conservation Commission members Dan Allen and Mike Gelcius. This will be used to provide timely information and notices to visitors of the trail. Come out to the trail to see the new kiosk and spend time enjoying the many interesting and rare flower and vegetation specimens, which are indicated by markers along the trails.
Pictured below is the kiosk.
Photo provided by Mike Gelcius
Spring clean-up and repair projects have been completed at the Esther Currier Wildlife Management Area at Low Plain. Brush and debris were cleaned up at the dam, boardwalks were repaired, the driveway and parking area were patched up, low hanging branches were cut down, and trash along Davis Path was collected and removed. These projects were completed by members of the Elkins Fish & Game Club and student volunteers from Newport High School.
Pictured below are (top left) EFGC member Jim Flanagan repairing a boardwalk and (top right) the repaired board, the dam area (bottom left) cleared of debris and flow blockage, and Newoprt High School students (bottom right) Nick Henault and Bjorn Stenberg repairing the Low Plain driveway .
Photos provided by Mike Gelcius
Late last fall, the New London DPW did a nice job of mowing the Philips Memorial Preserve field, which was cleared of all the scrub brush. This spring, Scott Brown donated 100 native Hazelnut seedlings, which were purchased from the State Nursery in Boscawen. These seedlings will provide a good food source for various mammals as well as game and song birds in future years. The seedlings range in height from about 8" to 16" and are planted at about 10' intervals, out 3' - 4' from the stone walls at the field.
Below are pictures of the cleared field, and pictures of Scott Brown (left) and Bob Brown (right) doing the planting of the seedlings.
Photos provided by Bob Brown
The Clark Pond Trail has 10 new sign posts installed to mark the objects or areas of interest along the way. The location of each marker can be found on the Clark Pond Interpretive Trail map, found on this site. The markers were built by Bob Brown and installed by Dan Allen and Mark Vernon.
Below are pictured the markers and how they look at a few locations along the trail. These new markers will make it easier for hikers to identify and enjoy the trail's many interesting features.
Photos provided by Bob Brown
Mutt Mitt dispensers have been installed to help keep our trails clean and pleasant for everyone to use. They can be found at the following trail heads:
Clark Pond
Great Brook Trail at Lake Shore Drive
Kidder-Cleveland_Clough Trail at Pleasant Street
Lyon Brook Trail at Frothingham Road
Lyon Brook Trail at Parkside Road
Messer Pond Trail
Phillips Memorial Preserve
Pleasant Lake High Trail
Please use the bags from these dispensers to clean up after your dog when taking them on the trails, and be sure to bring your own bags when going out on our other trails. Keeping our trails clean is everyone's responsibility.
Photos provided by Mark Vernon
Davis Path at the Low Plain Trail has been enhanced with the installation of a new granite bench, donated by Clare and Dean Bensley of New London. The bench is located at a shady spot located just before the bridge at the Beaver Pond dam, and provides a lovely spot to rest and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. The granite was harvested from Sunapee and has natural coloration that blends well with the surroundings.
Below, left, is a picture of Brandon Stocker(left) and Matthew Sullivan, of Sunapee Graniteworks, installing the bench, and below, right, is a picture of Clare & Dean Bensley with their dog Noah.
Photos provided by Mike Gelcius
Following beaver mitigation in 2014 and this past spring, summer trail intern Tom Cloverdale and Commission member Mark Vernon have spearheaded significant upgrades to the Kidder-Cleveland_Clough Trail. This trail loops through a beautiful wetland and forest behind the old middle school and can also be accessed from Pleasant Street and Springledge Farm. Prior to the work, much of the trail had been under water. Now the trail is passable and enjoyable due to the installation of several bridges and boardwalks. The New London Conservation Commission has invested particularly in this trail because of its in-town location and the sanctuary it accesses.
Photos provided by Mark Vernon
The Conservation Commission is continually working to improve and add to the many trails found in New London. Projects are ongoing to provide hikers with scenic and enjoyable trails.
Below are pictures of the connectors from the Outing Club to Lyon Brook Trail.
Walk to the game!
Photos provided by Mark Vernon
In cooperation with the New London Conservation Commission, the Ekins Fish and Game Club performed their annual maintenance on the Wood Duck boxes located on Beaver Pond at the Low Plain Trail, at Turtle Cove on Pleasant Lake, and at the marsh on the Kidder property near Mountain Road. The club tracks the usage from year to year and relocates boxes, when necessary, to maximize nesting and hatching out of birds. Out of a total of 27 boxes that were cleaned out and repacked with fresh wood shavings, 14 were found to be used this past season to hatch out Wood Ducks and Mergansers.
Below, left, is a picture of Ron Evans (left) and Bill Boyce cleaning out a box, and below, right, is a picture of unhatched Merganser eggs (left) and an unhatched Wood Duck egg.
Photos provided by Mike Gelcius.
The trails at Low Plain and at Kidder-Cleveland-Clough were experiencing flooding problems. The pipe at the Low Plain dam was no longer allowing the proper flow of water out of Beaver Pond. Water was coming over the dam and causing flooding along the boardwalk near the dam bridge. The beavers near the Kidder-Cleveland-Clough trail had blocked up the stream, causing a severe rise in water levels. Major sections of the trail were under water and there were reports of basements being flooded in the area. It was determined that the installation of a new flow pipe would be needed at Low Plain and that a water diversion system would be needed at Kidder-Cleveland-Clough. The Conservation Commission hired Skip Lisle to install his Castor Master pipe systems at both locations. The installation has allowed the water levels to return to their desired height, while preventing beavers from creating any more problems.
Photos provided by Mike Gelcius and Skip Lisle