
Conservation Commission
New London, New Hampshire 03257


  Kidder - Cleveland - Clough Trail

Trail Number:  11  Trail Length:  2 Miles 
Difficulty:  Moderate   Trailhead GPS:  
Trail Adopter:      

  Trail Description

This trail system in the center of town connects Pleasant Street to the rear of the former Kearsarge Regional Middle School.  The Kidder-Cleveland-Clough Trail provides public access to land protected by New London Conservation Commission conservation easements that were supported in part by the State of New Hampshire through the New Hampshire Land Conservation Investment Program (LCIP). Parking is available along Pleasant Street or in the parking lot behind the old Kearsarge Regional Middle School . Much of the trail between the parking areas (P) passes through a low area that is often wet and muddy. A new bridge and boardwalk was installed in the summer of 2008 and the trail was made drier. To the north, the trails terminate at the conservation easements bounds (private property beyond). These bounds are marked with silver diamonds bearing the legend "CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY". The boundary marker at the northwest end of this trail system is labeled 1.2-1; the northeast end of the trail system is labeled 1.2-4.
    -  See Map Below or Return to Main Trails Page.

  Trail Map

Kidder-Cleveland-Clough Map

  Elevation Information

Not available


Kidder Cleveland Clough Trail

Trail View - Photo by Peter Brodeur

Kidder Cleveland Clough Trail

Boardwalk Section - Photo by Bob Crane

Kidder Cleveland Clough

Trail Bridge - Photo by Bob Crane